Why is it that the Line level input on the Mic 1 and 2 sends still goes to a record out? I thought the record was a clean feed and did not include the Microphone channels?
On the Xone:62 and Xone:92 models, the mic feed to the booth is a clean feed to stop the booth mic from coming out of the booth speakers and creating a feedback loop.
The Record out is fed from the same signal source as the Booth, therefore is a clean-feed by default.
The Xone:S2 deals with the booth mic/booth output in a different way, not by using a clean feed, but by ducking the Monitor output when the mics are active.
The Xone:S2's Record output is not sourced from the Monitor output circuit feed, and therefore is not a clean feed (there is no clean-feed circuit on this mixer).