The GS-R24 has internal jumpers giving you the option to modify the following:
Direct Output
The source for the Direct Output is selectable by option jumpers internally, factory set to Pre-Fade.
Auxiliary sends 1 & 2
Each of these controls sends a signal to an Aux bus. The signal is sourced pre-fade, which means that the level is independent of and unaffected by the fader. Auxes 1 & 2 are mono buses so the stereo pre-fade signals are summed together to provide the source for the send.
These sends are not affected by the Mute switch by default, so muting the channel does not mute the Aux sends, but they can be selected to be post mute where they will follow the mute status (internal jumper links).
Auxes 5 & 6
The source for Aux sends 5 & 6 is post-fader by default.
However, an internal jumper option can be altered to select them to be sourced pre-fader, for example, if more monitor sends are required.
This information, the block diagram and a diagram showing the position of the jumpers on the mono and stereo input channels can be found in the User Guide
If you need further assistance please contact your dealer or local Allen & Heath distributor