Sometimes it's useful for the dLive log files to be copied to a USB drive so they can be inspected by a third party.
To do this,
- Ensure a USB key is inserted in the 'data' USB socket
- Press the hardware "Utility" button (or the Utility soft key in director)
- Select the "Utility" tab at the top of the screen
- Select "Copy Logs To USB Key"
This will create a folder structure (if it does not already exist) and a file on the USB drive named something along the lines of "All Logs 2017-04-21 12-40-05.tar" dependant on the date, in the folder /AllenHeath-dLive/EventLogs.
Please be aware only Director logs are recoverable from Director before v1.84, for the Surface and MixRack logs on v1.84 or before must be recovered from the Surface whilst connected to the MixRack.