Sometimes it's useful for the Avantis log files to be copied to a USB drive so they can be inspected by a third party.
To do this,
- Ensure a USB key is inserted one of the USB sockets
- Touch "Utility" on the screen, or click "Utility" on Director
- Touch/Click the "Utilities" tab at the top of the screen
- Touch/Click the "History" sub-tab
- Touch/Click "Copy Logs To USB Key"
This will create a folder structure (if it does not already exist) and a file on the USB drive similar to "All Logs 2023-04-02 13-02-05.tar" dependant on the date, in the folder /AllenHeath-Avantis/EventLogs.
Please be aware the Director logs are recoverable from Director. In most instances unless specifically investigating Director you will need to put a USB drive in a physical Avantis console and perform these steps on the console.