GLD can be used as a 48ch multi-track interface by adding a Dante option card.
Preparing the GLD
1) Power the GLD on with the Dante card fitted to the option port on the back.
2) Set the direct out source option, this determines where in the signal chain your multi-track audio is taken from. Usually, you will want to set this to "Post Pre-Amp" and deselect "Follow Fader" and "Follow Mute". More information about the other direct out options can be found in the User Guide under "System Block Diagram". This will send the inputs to the dSnake to Dante before any processing such as gates, compressors and EQs. You can select anywhere along the chain, if you'd prefer to record each channel with its relevant processing.
This can be done under the processing tab on any input channel, by selecting Routing / Direct Out and expanding the DIR OUT SRC tab at the bottom of the screen.
3) Routing to the Dante Card is achieved by pressing the hardware I/O button, then selecting the I/O port out tab at the top.
You can then route channels as you would to a dsnake device. In the above example, I have routed dSnake inputs to dante 1-24 then the Main L + R as a reference to channels 63 and 64.
Preparing your computer
1) If you haven't already, at this point install Dante Controller and Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS) from
2) Connect your computer's Ethernet port to either the Primary or Secondary port on the Dante card. Audinate recommends Cat5e or higher cable. For runs longer than a few meters, consider using a shielded cable.
3) Ensure your network card is set to DHCP mode.
4) Start Dante Virtual Soundcard, once the application is running wait until the I.P address field has populated with an address.
5) Start Dante Controller, you should be able to see your laptop and the Dante card in your GLD in the list as in the image below.
6) Under the clock status tab you should now select the GLD Dante card as the preferred master clock, as shown in the image below.
7) You should now be able to route audio from your Dante Card to your DVS. Take care to ensure you are routing correctly from the Dante Card's output to the DVS input as shown in the image below. Expand your computer's receive tab, and the Dante Card's transmit tab using the "+" icon next to the device.
You then route the audio from one to the other, by clicking on the intersecting box. Shown below is a simple 1:1 routing.
You should now have dSnake inputs 1-24 being outputted to Dante Virtual Sound card channels 1-24 on your computer, with Dante Channels 63 and 64 carrying a Main L + R.
8) You should now route this into a software package of your choice, the same way you would route any other multi-track recorder.