Custom Control is not designed to replace full control systems, however, you can use it together with an AHM to that effect - to a certain degree at least.
For example, you can program a Custom Control interface to trigger a Preset in the AHM. This Preset can then close a GPO, or send out a TCP/UDP string to an IP address (you can write the string in hex, decimal or ASCII). In other words, this depends on the third-party device supporting GPIO or TCP/UDP commands. There are Ethernet to IR converters on the market that can be used to control IR-enabled devices this way too.
Please note we do not support any login, handshaking, status feedback or authentication mechanisms when sending strings to third parties. It is a one-way connection.
Both the AHM System Manager and Custom Control Editor are available to download for free from our website and can be used effectively to simulate all of the above.