You can program the PL-10 in iLive Editor so each button recalls a scene, each of the scenes will be used to change the PL-Library, each PL library changes which Aux sends the rotaries are controlling.
In the scene manager contents, name however many scenes you require, for example
1) PL-10 setup Aux 1
2) PL-10 setup Aux 2
3) PL-10 setup Aux 3
4) PL-10 setup Aux 4
5) PL-10 setup Aux 5
In the scene manager, go to the edit section and add the PL-Anet settings to each of these scene contents updates every time.
Now assign each button on the PL-10 to the corresponding scene
Button 1 > Scene 1
Button 2 > Scene 2
Now recall the scene titled 'PL-10 setup Aux 1', configure the PL-10 to control your different sends for Aux 1, ensuring to update each time you assign each rotary control, save the PL settings as a PL-Library then update the scene, now recall the 'PL-10 setup Aux 2' scene, configure the PL-10 again for your Aux 2 sends, save this as a new PL library and update the scene again and so on for each of the Aux buses you will be using.