iDR can be used as a dedicated loudspeaker management system.
Although iDR isn’t a dedicated product for this role it does have functions to enable crossover settings, phase correction, etc to be utilised.
It is possible to set Crossover filters on the outputs of the iDR system and still have some PEQ bands left over to utilise for equalisation of the system.
It is best to think of iDR as a multi-functional unit that can be used to do various things that other loudspeaker processors can’t (i.e. add a second loudspeaker stack up to 250 metres away from the main stack, Timed events, Remote controllers, Zoner, Pager, switching amplifiers on and off using logic outputs from iDR-switch and/or PL-8, a Wi-Fi controlled Patchbay housed in the back of a rack … the possibilities are almost endless).