The A&H SuperMADI (M-DL-SMADI) card supports the use of 4 fibre links.
These are presented on SFP sockets, not all MADI over fibre is the same, rather than building the transceiver into the SMADI card and locking you to one type of optical connection, we allow you to use your own, and change the transceiver you want to use dependent on the equipment you're connecting to.
To use the SMADI card with another manufacturers equipment you'll need to know what mode the other equipment uses and what wavelength the optical transceiver uses.
Multi mode vs Single Mode
MM (multi-mode) fibre is often cheaper than SM (single-mode) fibre as its length is limited to around 1km at 1GBps speeds.
SM fibre is more expensive and can be transmitted over 10km + dependent on the quality of the fibre and transceivers.
For most MADI applications MM fibre is more than adequate and most manufactures only supply their equipment (or configure their equipment by default) to be MM
You must use MM fibre for MM connections and SM fibre for SM connections.
Fibre Wavelength
Much like RF connections, Fibre connections need to be on matching wavelengths. These are commonly either 1300nm or 860nm (though others are available).
SFP generally use LC-type connectors due to their small size. Other manufactures equipment may use SC type connectors, adapters from one to the other are available.
Quick Reference
To use SMADI with another manufactures equipment you need to match the Mode, the Wavelength, the Connector, and use the right type of fibre.
To connect two SMADI cards together you simply need to use two SFPs that are the same, and are capable of transmitting over the distance between them.
If you have any difficulty selecting the right SFP, please contact for further assistance.